As in previous years, volunteers assist at the eight information centres and at the commissioned installations, which number 38 this year. Your assignment will depend on your skills and interests, and availability for one of the training evenings. All assignments should be in place by the end of August.
They expect all volunteers to attend the mandatory training, and to be present and active for the entire shift. You are required to send the Assignment Request Form by July 20 at the latest.
Need help? Please contact Fiona at 416-392-9315 or spevvol@toronto.ca
Fiona Lucas
Coordinator of Volunteers
Toronto Special Events Office
City Hall, 6th Floor, West Tower
100 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON M5H 2N2
Phone: 416 392-9315 / Fax: 416 395-0278
Nuit Blanche was originally conceived in Paris, France in 2002, in an attempt to bring contemporary art to the masses in public spaces. Now universally translated as 'Sleepless Night', Nuit Blanche brings more than a million people to the streets of Paris every year. In 2005, Paris organizers contacted the City of Toronto's Special Events office with an invitation to join the ranks of approximately six other European cities producing similar all-night events. The international success of Nuit Blanche continues to build each year and has expanded its reach beyond Paris to Brussels, Rome, Bucharest, Riga, Madrid, La Valette, Portugal, Tokyo, Montreal and Leeds - each offering its own version of the all-night art extravaganza.
Toronto was the first North American city to fully replicate the Paris model, and has inspired similar celebrations throughout North America, including San Francisco, New York, Miami and Chicago.
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