Titled “FastLane in the Community”, April’s FastLane centres on what you as a Torontonian can do to give back to the community.
Last years “FastLane in the Community” was such a success that we were inspired to approach Kultura and United Way’s GenNext and they have partnered with us again for 2010. Kultura will once again host FastLane in the Community; you can absorb the rustic appeal of Kultura throughout this unique networking experience. Other community partners new this year include the Volunteer Toronto, Toronto Twilight Rotary Club, Junior League of Toronto & Hope House.
Come check out the opportunities these organizations have available to you, after all experience is everything; you can take all of the skills you learn throughout your time volunteering and apply them to achieving your career goals.
After hearing such rave reviews at February’s FastLane we are bringing back the ever so popular Speed Networking sessions - a service that was introduced to Toronto by FastLane. Participants will have seven minutes to begin a business relationship creating an opportunity to leverage each others’ success. Remember to bring your business cards!
Date: Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Time: 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Location: Kultura, 169 King Street E
Tickets: On-line Advance $25 ea / 2 for $40 or $35 at the Door
For tickets please click here.
*Your ticket includes a complementary beverage, hors d’oeuvres, a gift bag and a chance to win door prizes.
We'd like to thank all sponsors for their support: Kultura, Emergen-C, Hope House, Junior League of Toronto, Sweax, Starbucks, Toronto Twilight Rotary, United Way GenNext and Volunteer Toronto.

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