I recently started drinking coffee. I am in my mid-thirties and have managed to make it this long with the nasty habit of drinking coffee. I resisted the temptation in high school when several friends started the habit because it was cool. I pulled several all-nighters without the assistance of the wonder stimulant in University, while my roommates glided through the night with ease. And I have even resisted the professional temptations over the last 10 years in the corporate world while my colleagues were advancing & climbing the ladder over coffee breaks.
I prided myself on not drinking coffee. I wore it as a badge of honour at social functions as if I were doing something virtuous. Sometimes I would even state it loud & proud for all to hear, “actually I don’t drink coffee”.
So it came as a shock to me in the fall of 2009 that I ordered a coffee at Starbucks during a routine business meeting. I was dealing with a lot of personal and professional stress at the time and feeling quite sleep deprived. On the off chance that this beverage accomplished what it claimed to, I was willing to try it. “WOW”! So this is what everyone has been talking about for years. I felt brighter, more alert, and full of energy. I was ready to face this meeting with verve.
In the next few days I found myself ordering coffee each time I was given the opportunity. It was only once in awhile and my rationale was that it was a latte so it was mostly milk anyway. Then the weeks turned into months and I now drink coffee daily, full strength, plain black.
I suffered much ridicule from friends and family for my recent habit. Why are you drinking coffee NOW? You’ve lasted this long without it. I can’t believe you’re drinking coffee. It seemed as though I was getting criticism for engaging in a self-destructive behaviour. But then it dawned on me, what’s so bad about coffee? I assume the main reason for the negative press is the amount of caffeine. However look at the rest of the North American diet, there is caffeine and other stimulants in most processed food. Then take tea, I mean tea is touted as a wonderful alternative hot beverage. Don’t drink coffee, tea is much better…but do most people know tea has as much or more caffeine?
So I’ve accepted this habit for what it is, and to heck with those sceptics. I like the taste, I love how it makes me feel and it’s warm & confronting. Why wouldn’t I drink it? I’m a coffee convert…
Kendra Court
Gatherings Event Planning

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