What comes to mind when someone says thick vs. thin? This debate could be about pizza crust, books, or coffee. (thick Chicago-style crust with cheesy toppings or strong, thick Italian coffee). You could also be talking about gorgeous, voluminous hair, thick strong nails or luscious, thick eyelashes. There is even a thick method of advertising. For example in the radio business, buy ads on ONE radio station, and have them air everyday in the same 4 or 5 hour block of time, and pretty soon, you will become the most recognized business in your profession for the thousands of listeners that hear about you day after day. Contrasted by a thin method which would be more sporadic and less strategic.
Isn’t it funny that in most cases we enjoy & appreciate thick, robust things rather than thin, wiry things. But who decided what’s attractive & enjoyable? We generally agree as a society that thick eyelashes & thick hair are attractive but thick bodies are not. Generally speaking, thin bodies are more attractive to the opposite sex. We revere & celebrate the thin body. We put it on the cover of magazines & hoist it up as an example of how to be successful & get ahead.
The pressure to be thin in our society has gotten so great that women are going to extreme lengths like starvation & surgery to be considered beautiful. In fact I recently found a heinous website describing the top 100 ways to be thin including:
- drinking vinegar
- eating laxatives
- diet pills (that may cause heart problems)
- punching your stomach when you get hunger pains
- caffeine pills
- smoking to curb cravings
This twisted, shocking website described in detail how to hide your starvation in the quest to be thin. Haven’t we gone too far? Rather than making ourselves sick, tying ourselves into knots, and forming equally destructive habits like smoking on the quest for a thin body, can’t we be happy being thick & healthy? We could always pretend that someone decided thin, wiry hair and thick thighs & stomachs were attractive. Oh what a different world it would be….
Kendra Court
Gatherings Event Planning